Showing posts with label Sell Convenience. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sell Convenience. Show all posts

Monday, February 17, 2014

Three Killer Small Business Ideas That Can Make You Money

If you want to gain financial freedom, maximum peace of mind, and a sense that you truly have maximum control over key aspects of your life, nothing beats self-employment. Sure, everyone needs money to live but when you earn your own money at your own terms and at your own schedule, you enjoy many benefits that truly increase the amount of enjoyment you get out of your life. While there are many ways to work for yourself, the best involves small business. When you build a small business and if you build it right, you build a series of systems that work together to produce one goal and one goal alone: to put money in your pocket. When thinking of small business ideas, you have to think in terms of grand or big concepts. Don't draw your ideas too tightly, or you might just build a business with a limited market or appeal. Think big. Expand your parameters and think of large concepts instead of getting too hung up on a specific model or type of business.

Small Business Ideas That Can Make You Money

Sell Convenience

Whether it takes the form of saved time, saved effort, saved thinking, saved emotional energy, or a combination of any of these, convenience sells. In fact, convenience is so important in the modern economy that people are willing to pay quite a premium to have it. The key to small business ideas that focus on convenience is that they must offer a value proposition where it is very clear to the target consumer that the he or she will enjoy a massive difference in comfort and convenience with your service or product than with any previous model. The key to selling convenience is its level of obviousness. You can still sell incremental increases in convenience, but you won't be able to sell it for optimal value. To truly make a lot of profit, your convenience-based small business ideas must demonstrate a clear and convincing difference in convenience and end-user comfort. This is why you have to be very clear regarding the metrics of success you use. Your metrics must be the same as the end user's and the difference between older products/services and yours is very clear when measured by the metric you employ.

Help Convert Their Unused or Unwanted Assets Into Cash

Most consumers, throughout their lives, tend to accumulate lots of possessions. Many people might think they don't have much stuff, but they will quickly figure out how much they have hoarded when they have to change residences. People tend to pile up stuff-quickly. It is no surprise then that small business ideas that help people convert their unused or unwanted stuff into cash are met with open arms by consumers. People are always looking for ways to turn their spare junk into spare cash. Finding the demand is not the problem. However, the problem most small business ideas focused on helping people convert their unwanted assets into cash involve clearly communicating how they will enable consumers to unload their stuff. These small business ideas must not only be clear as to their operations but they also must clearly convey that their particular methods are superior to existing methods. This is the clincher. This is what separates good small business ideas in this particular niche from bad ones. The difference must also be expressed in terms of convenience. The more convenience, the more money saved, the easier you make things, the higher the chance your idea will actually end up putting money in your pocket. Moreover, successful small business ideas in this niche must incorporate existing mobile or web technology. The more seamless, simple, and automatic a particular idea is, the better.

Sell Information

The great thing about small business ideas that focus on selling information is that such businesses do away with all the traditional headaches of brick and mortar businesses. First, you don't need a warehouse or refrigerators to store your stock. You merely need to make a master file and you keep making copies of the original digital file when you have an order. Second, customer service can be reduced to a series of emails, web-based question database, or targeted Skype or live chat communications. Third, you don't need to ship your inventory. Delivery is instant. In fact, in many cases, the buyers only need to click a link to get a copy of whatever it is you are selling. While it is easy to get excited about small business ideas that focus on information sales, you have to keep in mind that you are not the only person who has realized the great benefits of information sales. This is why the Internet is filled to the brim with eBooks. This is the key challenge to small business ideas that focus on information sales: how to get noticed amid all the clamor of competing products.

Make no mistake about it-the secret to small business success is access to and implementation of the right small business ideas. Your business is built on the foundation of a good idea. Every idea has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Keep a clear eye on the strategic pros and cons of key small business ideas discussed above so you can start your small business on the right footing.


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